Friday, April 18, 2014

The Big 50

On Monday it will be my mothers birthday so my father and I treated her this weekend to lunch and she wanted to go to the aquarium that was down the street. So that morning we all got up early and started to get ready to head on our birthday adventure with my mom. We decided to take my car because it is so much more roomy and comfortable and we headed up to Mystic, Ct. We first went to the Aquarium and saw all the exhibits from petting sting rays to seeing a sea lion show. The Sea lion show was actually interesting cause it actually educated a lot on Sea Lions and how to tell the difference between them and seals.
my parents

me and my dad

After going to the Aquarium we headed to this amazing restaurant called S&P Oyster House located right in the town of Mystic. Most of the food that is served there is seafood but there is some other options. I decided to go with a spinach apple salad with scallops, my father had got a burger, and my mother had got a salad also but hers had shrimp and a portobello mushroom in it. Our seat was located right next to the window which gave us a fantastic view of the water that was right next to the restaurant.
view from dinner

my moms favorite restaurant 

the menu

me and my mom chatting at lunch

my yummy salad

my moms salad

my fathers burger

After our amazing lunch we walked into the town where we had ice-cream and sat along the water watching boats drive by.
this amazing ice cream that has chocolate chips almonds and coconut in coffee ice cream

the draw bridge going into town

In the end mom had a great birthday and we all enjoyed ourselves... love you mom and i wish you the best birthday wishes.

Monday, April 14, 2014

The Worst FLU ever

As I laid in bed I thought i was going to witness the last moments of my life curling up like a baby cause the sharp pains from my stomach would not stop. As I leaned up I all of a sudden had the sensation to get sick. I ran to the bathroom and as i bet over to the porcelain thrown i all of a sudden  saw my dinner from that night. I knew at that  loin the rest of my day was going to be a living hell....

Okay so  having the Flu is not  that bad but the trick is to getting rid of the flu. All you have to do to get rid of the flu is drink lots of liquids, eat rice and crackers and get tons of rest. Having the flu will definitely wipe out your plans but don't try to fight against it just ride it out.

Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Lemonade Stand

Spring is finally blooming through the flowers and the smell of fresh cut grass is in the air. One of the things I enjoy about spring is not the weather but the nice cool refreshing drinks to have in the amazing weather. My three favorites are the ades (lemonade, limeade, and strawberry-ade) Lemonade is the classic drink that is know for summer and spring we even set up stands to sell the drink, but next time your out relaxing in the a nice spring day instead try making limeade its the same way to make lemonade but instead use limes. The last drink is strawberry-ade which is lemonade and strawberry syrup mixed together. It gives it something a little extra. You can even cut up lemon and strawberries and put them in the Strawberry-ade drink to make it even more refreshing.

Sunday, March 16, 2014

Ready set get caught- SWAROVSKI

Swarovski has a new program out called "Ready Set Get Caught". It is there new program for 2014 to educate you on fashion and inform you of the latest jewelry trends out there now. With the new program "Ready Set Get Caught" you collect stamps to win free jewelry, and a crystalized motor scooter and helmet. Being apart of this free program you are invited to there sparkling party and events, the first event is

MARCH 27 - 29
Girls' Night Out!

Ladies’ night just got a little more stylish. Grab your gals and come get caught at your local Swarovski boutique for a fun and flirty Girls’ Night Out, where you can crystallize complimentary accessories and enter for a chance to win a fab prize pack to share with friends. Oh, and Get Caught members will receive a special offer on Thursday, March 27 from 6-8pm. Can’t make it Thursday night? No worries – we’ll have a glam treat with a purchase just for you on March 28 & 29.

For more information about "Ready Set Get Caught" program please visit there website which is below. 

Sunday, February 23, 2014

Enjoy Life and Sing

In life we get carried away with stressing over stupid little things that don't mean that much. My friend David always makes me laugh and have a good time. This week we actually sang Karaoke songs in my room on youtube. We enjoyed ourselves and I forgot what I was worrying and stressing about. So take five minutes out of your day and find a song to belt out to you will realize how much it changes your life to make you feel better. Music has its weird way of lifting anyone spirits up.

Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Spring/ Summer 2014

Pull out those pastels and bring coral and blue colors cause spring and summer collections have been released in stores. Check out the Spring and Summer outfits some people been rocking it in the warm weather coming up....

New Eve Lom cleanser ...Face treatment built into one.

The new Eve Lom face cleanser is the new must have for face treatments. This Product acts like a cleanser, toner, and moisturizer all in one. It is so easy to apply a thin layer on and then wash it right off with some warm water. One easy step that saves time from applying all the other products we have that don't even work 100% of the time. Beauty Inside highly Recommends this product and states that "the company has been around for 25 years" and to this day the company has been bringing out products that make them a must have the second they are released. 
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The product runs from $50-$135 but a little goes along way.
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