Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Lemonade Stand

Spring is finally blooming through the flowers and the smell of fresh cut grass is in the air. One of the things I enjoy about spring is not the weather but the nice cool refreshing drinks to have in the amazing weather. My three favorites are the ades (lemonade, limeade, and strawberry-ade) Lemonade is the classic drink that is know for summer and spring we even set up stands to sell the drink, but next time your out relaxing in the a nice spring day instead try making limeade its the same way to make lemonade but instead use limes. The last drink is strawberry-ade which is lemonade and strawberry syrup mixed together. It gives it something a little extra. You can even cut up lemon and strawberries and put them in the Strawberry-ade drink to make it even more refreshing.

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