Tuesday, October 8, 2013

The Healthy Glow

Now ladies you might not like to hear it but Water is key to our body. Water hydrates the body in many ways , and by drink water it can help with a lot of things. Now as a kid i hated drinking water I thought the taste was bland and it was gross. But after reading so many articles and videos about it I'm trying to make it my new best friend. Now water helps in so many ways but I'm just going to discus the skin in this blog post. Water hydrates the skin giving it the nourishment it needs to stay hydrated but also replenish what ever it needs to have for that healthy glow radiant look. 
Now your probably like Rachel Water still taste bland how can I make it be best friend if i don't like the taste cause its not tingling my taste buds. Well first thing is temperature, the temperature that you have your water can make a big difference. By having your water at a cooler temperature the water tastes more crisp and refreshing then warm or room temperature water . The next great big difference is having a water filter, you can purchase a water filter at Walmart or Target that can go right on your faucet  but there are even pitchers that have filters in it that you stick in the fridge  which makes the water taste fresh. 
Now the last thing is adding flavor, what I have noticed by putting in powders or syrup such as crystal light or mio you are defeating the purpose. Instead or putting powders or syrups in  our drinks how about putting some fresh fruit in the water and have the flavors infuse together create a new refreshing drink that is all water and some fruit (booth are healthy for you and will help your skin) Some fruits and vegetable will also add help with the skin care .
Some things that are good for your skin that you can put in your water are apples, citrus fruits, cucumbers and carrots, and berries (raspberries, blueberries, blackberries, and strawberries). Citrus fruits are not just know from weight-loss but are also know to clear up acne. Apples are great for illuminating your skin and making it look like you have a glow to your skin. Cucumbers and carrots bring great moisture to the skin leaving it healthy and flawless. And finally berries are great for reducing extra oils to the skin and strengthening hair. I personally do have to say the cucumber one does tastes a little different but tastes the most refreshing. 
(also one good tip is make sure the fruit and vegetables are well rinsed before cutting them up and placing them in your water to infuse)

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